Well, pals, it's been a strange year that's fer sure. Now's the time of year that we'd typically be peddling the patter, oot and aboot Scotland - meeting and greeting new pals. But, here we are, staying safe at BrawBags HQ and missing all yous something fierce.
Just because we can't be with ye at the markets, though, doesn't mean you have to miss out on purchasing some BrawBags goodies fer yersels or yer pals. With 77 days until the C-word, we thought we'd take a wee moment to point you in the direction of some of our favorite local shops currently stocking BrawBags:
In Glasgow:
We are pure chuffed to now be stocked at the amazing Scottish Design Exchange in Buchanan Gallery. SDX carries the full BrawBags range and has ample stock!
Here's a wee peek at our new space over at SDX...

Quirq Boutique in Glasgow also carries some select fan favorites, most notably our Braw Brew mugs.
In Paisley:
We are proud to be recent graduates of the InCube Creative Programme and you can find BrawBags merch at the wonderfully curated InCube Shop in town center Paisley. Paisley also happens to be where the BrawBags magic happens and we love this town!
Further Afield:
If yer headed further afield, we are thrilled to share that the lovely and delightfully quirky Pirate and Bluebelle Gallery in Gourock now stocks a range of BrawBags goodies.
And, don't forget, you can always get a BrawBags fix from the comfort and safety of yer own hame. Shop with us online anytime.
We'll be releasing an exiting new product collection soon, so make sure you are signed up as a pal and follow us on our socials:
Blether again soon, pals!
XOXO - Mrs. BrawBags